Committees & Groups
WCMA's enthusiastic and productive member committees and groups help to direct Association endeavors, from the development of policy positions to the categories judged at our Contests. Get engaged today!
Contest Committee
Members of this closed committee devote hundreds of hours each year to planning and executing the World and United States Championship Cheese Contests.
Interested? Contact WCMA Contest Director Kirsten Strohmenger.
Dairy Food Safety Alliance
This partnership between WCMA and the Center for Dairy Research offers all interested dairy farmers, manufacturers, and processors the latest in food safety education and regulatory resources.
Interested? Contact WCMA Contest Director Kirsten Strohmenger.
Export Workgroup
This open group of WCMA members meets regularly to explore opportunities to grow dairy product sales in international markets, and to develop connections with support agencies.
Interested? Contact WCMA Grants & Business Programs Director Danica Nilsestuen.
Health & Safety Group
This open group of WCMA members meets regularly to help develop and share resources designed to help dairy processors assess and improve their health and safety policies, prepare for future inspections, and connect with their peers.
Interested? Contact WCMA Senior Director of Programs & Policy Rebekah Sweeney.
Membership Committee
This closed group reviews WCMA’s current membership structure, develops member recruitment and retention strategies, and shares new ideas to support the success of all WCMA members.
Interested? Contact WCMA Membership Director Sara Schmidt.
Policy Committee
This open group shapes WCMA’s policy initiatives and legislative agenda via annual meetings, conference calls, and frequent electronic updates.
Interested? Contact WCMA Senior Director of Programs & Policy Rebekah Sweeney.
Recognition Committee
This closed committee meets annually to consider and recommend long-time industry leaders for honors from WCMA.
Interested? Contact WCMA Executive Director John Umhoefer.
Supplier Committee
This group of Supplier members meets annually to review WCMA events, including CheeseExpo, CheeseCon, and the WCMA Golf Outing and Trap Shoot.
Interested? Contact WCMA Events Director Caitlin Peirick.
Sustainability Workgroup
This open member group focuses on the practical needs of dairy processors as they endeavor to increase environmental sustainability practices while producing delicious, nutritious dairy foods to feed the world.
Interested? Contact WCMA Director of Grants & Business Programs Danica Nilsestuen.
Technology Committee
This open committee, now with more than 50 members, meets three times each year to explore regulatory and technical issues in the industry.
Interested? Contact WCMA Executive Director John Umhoefer.
Workforce and Education Committee
This open, energetic committee aims to support members’ efforts to attract, train, and retain a high-quality workforce. Members meet quarterly to direct WCMA training endeavors and contribute to the Association’s annual Wage & Workforce Survey.
Interested? Contact WCMA Senior Director of Programs & Policy Rebekah Sweeney.
Young Professionals
This open group, intended for individuals who are 40 years old or younger, hosts networking events designed not only to foster friendships, but to help the industry’s next generation learn more about their craft.
Interested? Contact WCMA Contest Director Kirsten Strohmenger.