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CheeseExpo 2022

Tuesday, April 12, 2022 to Thursday, April 14, 2022

Event Details

Make plans now to attend CheeseExpo 2022! The Wisconsin Cheese Makers Association (WCMA), in partnership with the Center for Dairy Research (CDR) at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, will host thousands of cheese industry leaders, suppliers, and marketers in Milwaukee, Wisconsin April 12-14. Over 4,000 dairy industry professionals will gather to share information about the latest in cheese technology, new products, whey opportunities, product safety, marketing and additional issues affecting our industry. Nowhere else in the world will you find the collection of cutting-edge cheesemaking equipment, business insight, and networking opportunities that CheeseExpo delivers.

Registration is now open to dairy processors, exhibitors, suppliers, and members of government and academia. Suppliers interested in attending must be members of WCMA. Advance registration will close on April 4. After that date, all registrations will take place on-site. Three registration levels are available:

  • Two Day Seminars and Exhibits & Networking Events
  • One Day Seminars and Exhibits & Networking Events (Wednesday, April 13 or Thursday, April 14)
  • Exhibits & Networking Events

Book by February 1 to receive a 20 percent discount, or by March 1 for 10 percent off. Advance registration will close on April 4. After that date, all registrations will take place on-site.

In addition to registration, CheeseExpo’s lodging system is now open for bookings. To receive special 2022 CheeseExpo rates, attendees must book their hotel rooms exclusively through Hotels will not accept bookings for CheeseExpo room blocks directly, and attendees will not be contacted separately to book hotel rooms.

Don't wait - make your reservations now for CheeseExpo 2022. Have questions? Please contact the WCMA Events team at or call (608) 286-1001.

For More Information:

Wisconsin Cheese Makers Association Logo 5117 W. Terrace Dr. Ste. 402
Madison, WI 53718