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WCMA Technology Committee: Meeting WET Test Challenges

WCMA Technology Committee: Meeting WET Test Challenges

Wednesday, January 22, 2025
10:00 AM - 3:00 PM (CST)

Event Details

Meeting WET Test Challenges 

Join the WCMA Technology Committee for a live, hybrid workshop focused on the Whole Effluent Toxicity (WET) test for water quality compliance. At the request of members, WCMA has organized this deep dive into the challenges this test has posed for wastewater engineers and leaders in recent years, as well as solutions some members have found to explain WET test failures. Managing water quality is a team effort, so WCMA has gathered dairy processors, expert consultants, chemical company technicians and regulatory staff for a candid look at managing the WET test, with the goal of wastewater processing that’s safe for the environment and keeps our dairy manufacturers productive.

This in-person and live online workshop is open to all WCMA members at a $35 registration fee.  For those joining in person, lunch will be provided. Our thanks to Agropur for hosting this gathering! 

Click the blue "Register Now" button above to attend!

For More Information:

John Umhoefer
John Umhoefer
Executive Director Wisconsin Cheese Makers Association