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WCMA Webinar: OSHA Local Emphasis Program for Food Processors

Tuesday, June 14, 2022
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM (CDT)
31 Seats Remaining

Event Details

Register now for the Wisconsin Cheese Makers Association's (WCMA) next free, members-only webinar focused on the Occupational Health and Safety Administration’s (OSHA) new Local Emphasis Program for food processors in Wisconsin. The intent of this campaign is to encourage employers to take steps to identify, reduce, and eliminate hazards associated with exposure to machine hazards during production activities, through both education and enforcement.

Our featured speaker, OSHA Compliance Officer Kristopher Schleis, will detail the reason for this effort, steps manufacturers should take to safeguard employees, and what they can expect if they are inspected.

Following the presentation, time will be reserved to answer audience questions. To submit a question in advance to be shared anonymously during the program, please email by 12:00 p.m. on Monday, June 13.

This offering is the latest in WCMA’s monthly webinar series. Webinar topics are driven by WCMA member feedback and cover a range of themes such as business development, communication strategies, and industry resources.

Have questions or an idea for a future webinar? Please contact WCMA Senior Director of Programs & Policy Rebekah Sweeney.

For More Information:

Rebekah Sweeney
Rebekah Sweeney
Senior Director, Programs & Policy Wisconsin Cheese Makers Association