WCMA Young Professionals - January 2023 Event
Join the under-40 WCMA members in Madison for a tour of CDR!
Center for Dairy Research | 1605 Linden Dr, Madison, WI 53706
* Registration open until 1/20/23 at 4:00 PM (CST)
Event Details
Join WCMA member employees age 40 and under on Friday, January 27 for a tour of the Center for Dairy Research in Madison, Wisconsin, hosted by the WCMA Young Professionals.
The event begins at 9 a.m. and includes a cheese sensory activity with CDR's Sensory Coordinator, Brandon Prochaska, a tour of the new CDR building and pilot plant, and lunch sponsored by C.D. Smith Construction.
Registration is $25 per person and is only open to the first 30 participants, so early registration is encouraged.
Questions can be directed to WCMA's Kirsten Strohmenger at kstrohmenger@wischeesemakers.org or 608-673-5245.
Center for Dairy Research
1605 Linden Dr, Madison, WI 53706
Event Agenda
9:00 a.m. Arrival at Center for Dairy Research
I. CDR Overview & Introductions
II. Sensory Activity
- Brandon Prochaska, CDR Sensory Coordinator
III. CDR Building & Pilot Plant Tour
IV. Lunch
- Sponsored by C.D. Smith Construction, the general contractor in the CDR & Babcock Hall building project