WCMA Announces Job Fair at CheeseExpo
Register now to participate in the 2020 Wisconsin Cheese Makers Association Job Fair. Connect with the emerging workforce – and prospective employers at this industry-specific event on Tuesday, April 14 from 3-5 p.m. at the Wisconsin Center in Milwaukee.
Interested students and job-seekers can attend the WCMA Job Fair free of charge.
“Dairy processing is a dynamic, diverse career field, with tremendous opportunity for advancement,” said Rebekah Sweeney, WCMA Communications, Education, and Policy Director. “We believe CheeseExpo is the perfect venue to show young people paths for growth in our industry.”
CheeseExpo is proud to host the Collegiate Dairy Products Evaluation Contest, and is working with organizers to invite student competitors from California, Colorado, Idaho, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, New York, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Washington, and Wisconsin.
WCMA is also inviting students from technical colleges and high schools across Wisconsin to help employers connect with skilled tradespeople and entry-level staff. Students interested in the dairy processing industry enjoy free registration to not only the WCMA Job Fair, but also to CheeseExpo exhibits and receptions.
The WCMA Job Fair has capacity to showcase up to 20 employers, and space will be reserved on a first-come, first-served basis. Registration fees are $200 per exhibiting company, a fee which includes up to four passes for company representatives, a skirted table, and hors d'oeuvres and refreshments. This opportunity is open to dairy manufacturers, processors, marketers, and suppliers that have active membership with WCMA.
“As the labor market continues to tighten, it’s increasingly important for employers to reach out to the emerging workforce,” said Sweeney. “WCMA is here to support that effort, and we’re pleased to directly connect our members with talented young people planning careers in the dairy industry.”
Register for free as a job seeker or as a paid exhibiting company at WisCheeseMakers.org.