Volunteer at 2022 World Championship Cheese Contest
Sign up now to support the 2022 World Championship Cheese Contest, set for March 1-3 in Madison, Wisconsin. As the January 26 entry deadline approaches, the Wisconsin Cheese Makers Association (WCMA), host of the biennial competition, seeks volunteers to prepare entries and assist judges as they evaluate thousands of world-class dairy products. Volunteer applications are available at WorldChampionCheese.org/Volunteer.
“We’re grateful for the volunteers who help make the Contest possible. Affectionately known as The B-Team, our volunteers appreciate seeing this expert evaluation firsthand, connecting with dozens of their colleagues in the cheese industry, and making this world-renowned event run like clockwork,” said Kirsten Strohmenger, WCMA Events Manager.
Entries for the 2022 Contest must be submitted at WorldChampionCheese.org/MyEntries by Wednesday, January 26. Following the entry deadline, competitors will package and ship their products for check-in. Multiple volunteer shifts are available to support this check-in process, scheduled for February 15-18 and February 21-25 at WOW Logistics’ warehouse in Little Chute, Wisconsin. Volunteers are also needed during the judging portion of the Contest, March 1-3 at Monona Terrace Convention Center in Madison. In April, WCMA also seeks volunteers to manage the Championship Cheese Cooler Display on the trade show floor at CheeseExpo in Milwaukee.
To help ensure a safe working environment, all 2022 Contest volunteers and judges must be fully vaccinated against COVID-19. Volunteers will receive an official B-Team baseball cap and pin in appreciation of their efforts.